PWM-Food Services: Food Safety Course Level 3 (Chinese) 食品安全课程3级(中文)

TGS-2024041500 FSS-FRC-3004-1.1

About This Course 概述

This course aims to equip personnel working in retail and/or non-retail food establishments with the knowledge and application skills to:

  • Conduct food safety and hygiene checks;
  • Identify hygiene lapses and manage non-conformances; and
  • Implement food safety and hygiene policies and procedures to ensure effective implementation of pre-requisite programmes and Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP)-based Food Safety Management System (FSMS)


Course duration: 21 hours


Session: 3 Days (Day 1 & 2: 9am – 6pm | Day 3: 9am – 3pm)




三天 (第1天和第2天:上午9点至下午6点 | 第3天:上午9点至下午3点)

Who Should Attend 谁应该出席

Supervisors and managers working in retail and non-retail food establishments who needs to ensure food safety & hygiene at the retail and/or non-retail food establishments



Course Outline 课题

The course covers the following contents:

  • Food safety practices and regulatory requirements
  • Types of pre-requisite programmes implemented in food establishments
  • Methods used to conduct food safety and hygiene inspections/checks
  • Food safety and hygiene lapses and corrective actions
  • Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) principles and Food Safety Management System (FSMS)


  • 食品安全实践
  • 食品机构实施的先决条件计划类型
  • 进行食品安全和卫生检查的方法
  • 食品安全和卫生疏漏及纠正措施
  • 危害分析与关键控制点(HACCP)原则和食品安全管理体系(FSMS)

Course Structure

  • Methodology

    Theory, show & tell, discussion, case study demonstration and hands-on practice 理论与实践

  • Assessment

    You must attain a minimum of 75% attendance in order to be eligible for the assessment. The assessments (Written and Practical) will take place over a total of 1 hour and 30 minutes.
    您必须至少达到 75% 的出勤率才有资格参加评估。 评估(书面和实践)将持续 1 小时 30 分钟。

  • Certificate

    Upon successful completion of the food safety course, you will receive a WSQ Statement of Attainment (SOA) in “Food Safety and Hygiene-1″ issued by SkillsFuture Singapore. 成功完成课程后,您将获得由 SkillsFuture Singapore 颁发的“食品安全与卫生-1”中的 WSQ 成绩单 (SOA)。

Course Fees

Full Course Fee incl. 9% GST S$ 654.00
1,2,4,6 Nett Course Fee Payable after SSG Grant, incl. GST (Singaporeans/PRs/Long Term Visit Pass Plus Holders ≥ 21 years old) S$ 196.20
3, 6 Nett Course Fee Payable after MES Grant, incl. GST (Singaporeans ≥40 years old) S$ 76.20
6, 7Nett Course Fee Payable for SMEs, incl. GST S$ 76.20

5Absentee Payroll

Absentee Payroll rate at S$4.50 per hour, capped at S$100,000 per enterprise per calendar year

Important Notice

* In accordance with the Budget 2022 announcement, the GST rate will be increased from:

(i) 7% to 8% with effect from 1 Jan 2023; and

(ii) 8% to 9% with effect from 1 Jan 2024.

9% GST will apply to full payments received by SHATEC from 1 January 2024 onwards.
Full payments received by SHATEC before 1 January 2024 will have no adjustment to the 7% GST.
Please refer to for more information on the GST rate change.

1 Singaporeans and Singapore PRs, aged 21 and above, will be eligible for up to 50% SSG funding. Funding is subjected to SSG’s prevailing corporate policies and final approval.

2 Singaporeans may also utilize available funds within their Post-Secondary Education Account (PSEA) or SkillsFuture Credits (where applicable) to offset total net course fee payable. All Singaporeans aged 25 and above can use their S$ 500 SkillsFuture Credit from the government to pay for a wide range of approved skills-related courses. Visit the SkillsFuture Credit website to choose from the courses available on the SkillsFuture Credit course directory.

3 The SkillsFuture Mid-Career Enhanced Subsidy (MES) is for Singaporeans aged 40 years old and above.

4 NTUC members enjoy 50% unfunded course fee support for up to S$ 250 each year when they sign up for courses supported under UTAP (Union Training Assistance Programme). NTUC members from 40 years and above enjoy up to S$ 500 per year. For more information and terms and conditions, please refer to

5 Training support will be extended to Long Term Visit Pass Plus (LTVP+) Holders with effect from 1 October 2021. The LTVP+ scheme applies to lawful foreign spouses of Singapore Citizens (SCs) with (i) at least one SC child or are expecting one from the marriage, or at least three years of marriage, and (ii) where the SC sponsor is able to support the family. LTVP+ holders will be identified with their green visit pass cards, with the word ‘PLUS’ on the back of the card.

6 SME companies are required to log-in to Enterprise Portal for Jobs and Skills to update their SME status if they have not done so. All companies will be notified to log in to the portal to declare monthly salary and hours worked per week in order to receive Absentee Payroll.

7 Companies and individuals are liable for the full course fee in the event that the SSG funding and subsidy are not approved.

8 Class commencement is subjected to minimum class size met. Public holidays are excluded, where applicable

9 Eligible companies can offset the additional out-of-pocket expenses with the SkillsFuture Enterprise Credit (SFEC). Please refer to for more information.

1 新加坡人和新加坡PR,年龄在21岁以上,将有资格获得最多50%的SSG资助。资助取决于SSG的现行公司政策和最终批准。

2 新加坡人也可以利用他们的中学后教育账户(PSEA)或SkillsFuture Credit(技能未来信用)(如适用)来抵消应付的净课程费用。所有25岁及以上的新加坡人都可以使用政府提供的500新元技能未来信用来支付各种经批准的技能相关课程。请参考SkillsFuture Credit网站,在SkillsFuture Credit课程目录中选择课程。

3 SkillsFuture Mid-Career Enhanced Subsidy (MES) 适用于 40 岁及以上的新加坡人。

4 NTUC会员在报名参加UTAP(工会培训援助计划)支持的课程时,每年可享受50%的无资助课程费用支持,最高可达250新元。40岁及以上的NTUC会员每年最多享受500新元。更多信息和条款,请参考。

5 培训支持将从2021年10月1日起扩大到长期访问证+(LTVP+)持有人。长期访问证+计划适用于新加坡公民的合法外籍配偶,他们(i)至少有一个新加坡公民的孩子,或正在期待婚姻中的孩子,或至少有三年的婚姻,以及(ii)新加坡公民的担保人有能力支持这个家庭。LTVP+持有者将以其绿色访问证来识别,在卡的背面有 “PLUS “字样。

6 中小型企业公司如果还没有登录就业与技能企业门户网站,则需要登录以更新其SME状态。所有公司都将被通知登录该门户网站,申报月薪和每周工作时间,以便领取缺席工资单。

7 如果SSG的资金和补贴没有被批准,公司和个人有责任支付全部的课程费用。

8 只有在满足最低班级人数的情况下,才会确认课程。

9 符合条件的公司可以通过SkillsFuture企业技能未来信用(SFEC)来抵消额外的实付费用。更多信息请参考。

Payment Mode

The following payment modes are available:

SkillsFuture Credit
Bank Transfer
Credit Card
Internet Banking

SkillsFuture Credit
Internet Banking


新加坡酒店协会酒店与旅游管理学院(新加坡私立教委注册号:198301550C)是由新加坡精深技能发展局(SSG)指定的 继续教育与培训(CET)中心,提供与未来技能培训补助(SFC)支持、由SSG 资助的课程。食品安全课程级别 1 (复习)(中文)(TGS-2022010669)的资助期如 2024年1月4日至2026年1月4日

* indicates required

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